ISO27001 Security accreditation for Translation company

Our automation specialist completed successfully the installation of Symantec’s Altiris system management platform to one of the top ten banks in Greece. The IT environment consists of 230 servers and 2.540 PCs spread in 150 sites (4 to 140 PCs per site). A diversity of PC vendors (Dell, HP & IBM) is supported. Business requirements were much better PC and server lifecycle management, through IT asset inventory (HW, SW), automated sync with Windows AD, automated and controlled software delivery and patching, licensing metering.
We designed and supplied the architecture of the Altiris installation, initial configuration and training of the various modules of the platform. The following benefits were achieved. Significant energy saving by automating PC powering-on and off during working hours. Planning and budgeting of PC refreshes were dramatically improved though dynamic and always up-to-date hardware inventory and software license usage. Support speed was improved tremendously and support cost were significantly lowered through mass deployment, quick software updates and accurate PC status information.